Having this be our first effort and go at lip syncing i believe my group did very well. I feel that our group went about this task in a fun and enthusiastic manner, which i feel made the whole experience very joyful.
As a group and our first time, i feel that our editing skills were put to good use. For example, the lip syncing to the song was very accurate and in time. This is a major part of how successful we have done, and we shall take this confidence and experience into our own music videos.
Moreover, compared to other groups we went for a slightly different approach. For instance, when filming us we chose to have one person singing and the rest doing the drums and guitar. This helped create a fun and jolly atmosphere, but also prevents viewer fatigue. In addition, having done this task i feel that this was very useful as i believe i have become much more confident in front of camera.
I think that we could have slightly improved our lip syncing task by experimenting with locations. Having different locations could make the music video a lot more pleasant to view and could prevent some viewer fatigue.
In addition, next time i would take into account the lighting. For example, in our video we only used some natural light and standard lights, but if we were to use spot lights this could create much more emphasis and make it look better. Also, i could have been better if we used Mis-en-scene. For example, we could have used different costumes to make the video more realistic.