
Thursday 7 July 2011

In The Sun Class Project

This image above is of Nathan and James. As you can see Nathan is playing a character in this shot, and James is taking it. This shot proved to be very difficult as it was a tracking shot, but as it was a low budget music video we did not have equipment to make the shot perfect. For example, we had to use our initiative and use a chair that had wheels on it. This therefore meant that we could move the camera backwards in a smooth motion.

This is an image of me and Jade setting up one of the shots. This was the very first shot in the music video, and is of a locker being shut. We were responsible for setting up the shot and creating all the props. For example, in this shot there were some notes and posters on the inside of the locker, we therefore had to create and design the same things in the locker.
My role that I was given was to be in charge of the props and a dancer. Having been given the responsibility of props meant that I had to organize and get them already beforehand. Some specific items that I was responsible for include the guitar, hoops, books, and amplifier, but more specifically we were also in charge of all the items in the locker which was the first shot. In this shot we had to create them ourselves but cutting materials, drawing and sticking certain things together.
On the other hand, I was also given the role of a main dancer. This was also a very important job which needed lots of energy and enthusiasm. Also being a dancer wasn’t easy, for example we had to learn the dance and perform it in sync with the music. When performing on the day, I feel that my responsibilities were executed effectively and efficiently.

Moreover, on the day of filming I took the responsibility of filming a few shots. When doing this I had to take a lot of important things into account such as lighting, the background and angles. This was very important that is was right, otherwise it won’t look successful and realistic.

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