
Sunday 16 October 2011

Planning posts - checking your progress Oct 16th SJA

  • Your use of ICT to film a create a mini movie for the 'Initial Ideas' post is a good use of video in your blog to communicate and explain ideas
  • The post on 'Lyrics Annotaton' is really detailed - good to see effort invested here
  • The photograph you used for the Photoshop practice / CD cover design is really good - nice use of interesting angle and shadow here Jack. The inclusion of the plane was a bit bizarre though - and I didn't think this worked??
  • You blog posts for 'Planning' are not as up-to-date as they should be Jack.
  • You need to really improve your post for 'Technical Tutorials' - where is your Green Screen work and Final Cut editing? Include this and write a thoughtful written reflection on it.
  • Your group may need to rethink your song choice as there are aspects of the lyrics that are really inappropriate given that this is going to be submitted to the OCR exam board for your final A Level assessment. References to erections and genitals, etc. need to be either edited out, or a new, more appropriate track from your genre needs to be selected. I will talk to Ms Ingram and the other Media teachers to see what your options can be on this.
Overall assessment of Planning posts so far: IN (Improvement Needed) Too many posts still need development and further work. Some posts that should have been done by now are missing.

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