
Friday 27 January 2012

Evaluation - Advert Conventions

These two images are both album adverts of my genre.
The image above is an album advert for the artist called Drake. Within this advert a lot of information is shown in a little amount of space. The following are conventions of the album advert:

·         Big bold and clear title at top of page showing artists name, ‘DRAKE’.

·         The white font colour contrasts with the black background making the title stand out from a distance.

·         A large image of the artist in the centre of the page. Drake is an iconic person with modern music and by including his face in the advert, allows people to recognise him and refer to his music. Drake has very much his own image and brand identity.

·         The white clear font continues throughout the advert showing when the album is out and other artists that feature within the album such as Rihanna. It also states additional features that the album includes

·         The advert shows the records labels and logos at the bottom of the page, also in white which contrasts with the black background, making it clear to read

Another album advert which shows familiar conventions of my genre is ‘The Streets’. The following are conventions of the above album advert:

·         The main centre of attention is the distinctive image of a block of flats.  When looking at the image it is clear to see that in the middle window there is a man standing who is Mike Skinner. In order to grab our attention, the lights of the flat room are pink which is very noticeable as it contrasts with the dark grey walls.

·         The advert also has a basic and clear font in white showing the release of the advert.

·         The record label and other information such as the website address is also in white as it stands out against the dark colours in the bottom of the advert.

·         A very significant part of this advert is the lighter that has ‘STREETS’ written along it, and also ‘Computers and Blues’ above it which is the name of the album. In every album and single, ‘The Streets’ includes a lighter of a different colour making it very significant and distinctive them, and has also helped them to build their brand identity.

Tuesday 24 January 2012

Peer Feedback of Ancillary Tasks

The above document shows a peer assessment of my DigiPak design performed by Cameron Roberts. The assessment shows that in particular areas I done better than others. For example, I received the highest level in the following areas:
  • Showing awareness of the need for variety in fonts and text size
  • Selecting mise-en-scene including colour, figure, lighting, objects and setting
  • Manipulating photographs as appropriate to the context for presentation, including within text, within particular IT programmes, cropping and resizing
On the other hand, there are areas that still need to be improved such as:
  • Accurate use of language and register
  • Variety of shot distances

Thursday 19 January 2012

How I Used Media Technologies In The Construction and Planning, Research and Eval

How Did We Use Media Technologies

This above video is an addition to my other post. I created the video to show me using technology. In order to create it I used Final Cut and YouTube.

Wednesday 18 January 2012

DigiPack Back Cover Design

Below are some DigiPak designs which I have created. They are both very alike however they have some slight changes which are obvious. For example, the use of the yellow font instead of the white font make the text on the wall looks much more prominent and eye catching. On the other hand, the second DigiPak design not only has a different font colour but the contrast of the brick work is much greater. Our reasons for choosing this is because it makes the bricks look much more bolder and darker, therefore making the white font colour contrast effectively against the opposing colours.

The reasons for choosing this design were to enforce our brand identity and resemble connotations given off from our music video. For example, our ideas for our music video were to make it look very ‘Street’ and ‘Urban’, therefore we have chosen to use the brick wall. Our font type is very bold and a font style that can relate to the genre of our music.

Therefore, I believe that with a good and effective combination of the colour of font and high contrast of the brick work, the back side of the DigiPak will work well.

Friday 13 January 2012

G324: Advanced Portfolio Evaluation

In the evaluation the following questions must be answered:

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

·         A video comparing our music video to a similar one by ‘The Streets’. Have a whiteboard in the background playing the selected videos
·         Show conventions of music video and advert
·         Compare advert with another professional advert of the same genre.
·         Print screens
·         Take small clips from music videos off YouTube, and show how that inspired that
·         How we have created a band image
·         Demographic

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

·         Show a video/document comparing how each are similar to one another including the colour and fonts.
·         Show how this relates to our brand image and can relate to the target audience

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

·         Film a trail screening of the audience watching music video, looking at digipak/advert ideas and get their opinions on the film/analyses them
·         Show personal responses to our product
·         Make a video/document showing how feedback made our video better
·         Create a questionnaire using survey monkey

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

·         Create a JING project and demonstrate how I used some basic skills in Photoshop, Final Cut and Blogger
·         Have a little film of our group using some of the technologies like Camera, Final Cut etc. and insert comments onto YouTube
·         Create a word document showing different types of media and technologies that we used – can show how it helped us too
·         Show pictures of using equipment and how I have developed my technologies

Tuesday 10 January 2012

Photoshop - DigiPack Tester

Here is an example of what I achieved when trying to become familiar with Photoshop. To begin we took a standard photograph from the internet where we then uploaded it to Photoshop and began editing. 

Examples of effects that we applied to this photograph include a sketchy and cartoony effect. Our primary choice for using these effects was to make it look as if it was hand drawn by an artist. Once having changed our background images us then aside created a title. In order to achieve this we downloaded the font named 'URBAN JUNGLE' from a font database website called 'DaFont'. We also applied a number of effects to our title such as an outline glow. The reason for doing this was because when altering the transparency of the font it was hard to see at first and was not ideal to catch the audience’s attention. We believed that changing the transparency of the title would make it seem as if it was all one image, as the title blurs in the brick work. 

When choosing a background image we took time to ensure that the image was for us and showed some sort of brand identity and reflection to our music video. For example, within our music video we have attempted to emphasize the 'Street' and 'Urban' mood by including stereotypical features such as graffiti, and dirty streets. 

I believe that in this photograph the red telephone box is very significant. For example, it firstly reflects on our emphasis of 'Street', but also gives the photograph and attracting centre of attention for the audience. The red letterbox stands out comparatively to the vibrant and bright colours of the brick work, but also shows the rule of thirds.

Thursday 5 January 2012

Logo Designs

Below are a number of logo designs that I have created. The logo designs include a number of effects which I believe is very reflective of our genre and song choice.
The difference between the two is the slight blured effect and the colour alterations.   
