
Thursday 29 September 2011

Theories 2

Bordwell and Thompson – Categories for Editing  
Editing is one image following another on the screen.
Kuleshov Effect: Is how editing can work to create meaning.

Four different relations between shots and editing:

·         Graphic

·         Spatial

·         Temporal

·         Rhythmic

Transitions between shots can be linked graphically.
Patterns of light and dark, fine and shape, volume and depth, movement and stasis.

Can be used to create ‘smooth continuity’ or ‘abrupt contrast’.
Graphic Match: Linkage of shots by graphic similarities.
Graphic Continuity: Centre of interest is contrast throughout cuts, maintaining lightning level, avoiding strong colour clashes.
Graphic Discontinuity: Contrasts colour and footage types, movement and stillness, placement/shape of focus figures.
Duration of Shots: The length of each in relation and its pattern involving accent, beat and tempo.

Specific emphasis on particular shots giving different effects.
‘Space’ (setting, location) – how this relates to shots following it – similarities and differences.

Time of action and contributes to the plots’ manipulation of story time – order, duration and frequency.
The order of presented events can be manipulated – changes in story-plot relations which interrupt ‘temporal’ order.

E.G – Flashbacks increases story knowledge and flash-forwards creating enigma.
Punctuation: Shot change e.g. dissolve, wipe and fade signals omission of time.

Empty Frame: e.g. figure of interest seen moving out of a frame, cuts to empty frame where figure moves into.
Cutaway: e.g. a shot of another event elsewhere that does not last as long as the omitted action.

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