
Wednesday 7 September 2011

Analysis of Rock Video 3 - Artic Monkey

These are a variety of screenshots that I have taken from the music video 'Arctic Monkeys - When the Sun Goes Down'.
This music video works very well as it relates to the song very effectively. For example, many of the lyrics have comparisons to the shots that are taken. For example, when the song begins it starts very slow and almost sad. The audience is then shown an image of girl standing on balcony thinking, which also makes the audience think. The costume in this shot is also very effective, for example she looks very poor and cold. This could suggest that she has no money, but also nobody because she is standing on her own.
I believe that the location makes the music video very effective. For example, the location begins in a run down and poor block of flats. This suggests to the audience that she has no money, but also due to the lyrics and tone of the music, it makes the audience feel sorry for her.
Within the music video, there are some very good shots in particular. For instance, the shot of the stairs has plenty of meaning. As someone from the audience, I thought that the shot suggested that there was no ending, as the angle of the shots makes it look like there is no end to the stairs.

Moreover, the colour in the music video is generally dull. This gives  off a sad and emotional atmosphere which can make the audience feel sympathetic for the character.

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